Sedona Ripple Effect
Join us in making waves of positive changeSedona is flowing with water conservation efforts

Water is an important part of the past, present, and future of the City of Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek. We are currently experiencing an unprecedented time in water resources. Within the desert Southwest of the United States the Colorado River is experiencing strains on the system, within the state of Arizona we have been in a state of drought for over twenty years, and locally, the results of the Oak Creek General Stream Adjudication can impact water resources in the next few decades.
Want information about any of these three complicated water resource topics? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions document here to learn more about these topics and find links to get even more information.
Communities make a splash by conserving water together!

Despite the challenges facing water resources for the area, there is enough water for the community for generations to come, but there is never enough water to waste. Water conservation means not wasting water and using water as efficiently as possible. It is also an effective way to make sure that we are only using as much water as we need in order to maintain our desired quality and standard of life.
Now is the best time to conserve water for the good of the Sedona and Village of Oak Creek areas. It is important that we all do our part to conserve water so that we can continue living and enjoying the beloved Red Rock country. This is why in 2023, the City of Sedona, the Village of Oak Creek, leaders from Yavapai County, and the local water utilities, Big Park Water Company and Arizona Water Company, have come together to launch Ripple Effect, a joint Integrated Demand Management Program that aims to highlight all the ways that people can do their part to conserve water.
The launch of Ripple Effect on October 7th signifies the kick-off of the Ripple Effect Facebook page where residents and commercial water users can get tips on how they can conserve water, see success stories of what the city and local entities are doing to conserve water, water informational videos on important topics like how water gets to the communities, and get access to even more resources (articles, videos, etc.) related to conservation.
resources to help you save water in your community

Did you know that the City of Sedona and both water utilities already have some resources available for conservation? The launch of Ripple Effect does not mean that previously there were no conservation efforts being made in the communities of Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions document here to learn more about what conservation efforts were implemented before this program!

Dive in and make a difference to Sedona’s water conservation!

In addition to the Facebook page, the launch of Ripple Effect means the launch of working with commercial properties like Homeowner Associations (HOAs), businesses, schools, and city properties to help them find ways to conserve water. Free in-person water audits will be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis to commercial water users. The audit includes:
– A detailed analysis of water use trends using billing data
– An in-person walk-through that assesses outdoor and indoor water-using devices to identify leaks and areas where water efficiency can be increased.
– A detailed report provided to the commercial property that summarizes findings, provides recommendations, and quantifies the water savings and estimated dollars saved if the recommendations are implemented.
– A follow-up meeting scheduled in three-six months to identify which actions have been taken, challenges with implementing the recommendations, and plans for the future.
If you are interested in participating in this commercial water audit program, please email [email protected]
We are so excited to be providing the communities of Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek with the Ripple Effect IDMP. We encourage you to watch the launch video below, check out and follow us on Facebook, and check out the Ripple Effect Youtube page that will host all videos. Remember, every action we take to conserve water will have a Ripple Effect on the good of the aquifer!
Visit our Sedona Water Conservation Videos

To view more videos about the AWC Sedona Ripple Effect project visit our videos page