World Water Day

World Water Day is a day of global advocacy for the sustainable management of freshwater resources, observed annually on March 22nd. In 2024, the City of Sedona, Oak Creek Watershed Council, and Arizona Water Company hosted our first ever World Water Day event for the people of Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek! Our goal is to continue to bring together local organizations and vendors to provide water resources education to the public year after year in a fun, outdoor setting.


Tiny Wildlife – Macroinvertebrate Survey
Oak Creek Watershed Council scientists led a hands-on survey, where participants counted and identified live macroinvertebrates in the creek, followed by a discussion about why scientists do these kinds of surveys and what they reveal about the overall health of the creek.

Lessons in Groundwater
Arizona Water Company partnered with Arizona Project WET to engage attendees in a hands-on lesson that models how water moves through the spaces and pores underground, how we utilize observation and pumping wells to monitor and extract groundwater to drink and use, and the connection between groundwater and surface water!

Solutions for Stormwater Pollution!
The City of Sedona provided a miniature model of a city for two different hands-on demonstrations modeling where exactly pollutants go after it rains, and highlighting the critical role the floodplains play in the Oak Creek Watershed.


Interested in learning more? Check out the following online resources from our World Water Day hosts for ongoing water education!
Oak Creek Watershed information and updates: Resources – Oak Creek Watershed Council
Arizona Water Company hydrology education and water conservation hub:
Arizona Project WET Groundwater Education Series:
Arizona Department of Water Resources interactive Groundwater Site Inventory map: GWSIWEB
City of Sedona stormwater resources:
– General Information: Storms and Stormwater | City of Sedona
– Master Plan: Stormwater Master Plan | City of Sedona
join us!

Interested in hosting an activity at next year’s event? Email [email protected] for more information!